
Working a Little git at a Time

What People Really Think

git really changed the way I write code. I stopped making a whole bunch of huge changes, and started working on one thing at a time. It’s made fixing my code a lot easier, and I don’t run into problems as often.”

Simon Goring (when I’m feeling optimistic)

Version Control

Basics of Version Control

Basics of Version Control - Vocabulary

Basics of Version Control - Tools

Tool for Working with git

Using git

git Workflow

<img src="../images/gitStaging.png" width=70% alt="A diagram of commits & stages for git.">

Source: <a href=>sublimegeek</a>

Local git Workflow

Starting from Scratch (with RStudio)

Check your version.

simon@partyLaptop:~$ git --version
git version 2.25.1

Create New Project (RStudio)

simon@partyLaptop:~$ git init

Using RStudio

GitHub & Online Repositories

Public Code Repositories

Range of Options

A Repository for Home and Away - Naming It

A Repository for Home and Away - Getting It

Fork and Clone

Fork and Clone (Active)

What Makes a Good Repository

What Makes a Good Repository (Discussion)