
What is a Thesis?

A Thesis is

ideas + data + text + formatting

A Thesis is Ideas

IDEAS + data + text + formatting

People talking about ideas

A Thesis is Data

ideas + DATA + text + formatting

Zeros and ones.

A Thesis is Text

ideas + data + TEXT + formatting

Zeros and ones.

A Thesis is Formatting

ideas + data + text + FORMATTING

<img src="../images/thick-book.jpg" width=30% alt="A ridiculously thick book">

Is A Thesis Like Software?

Software Is

<img src="../images/Floppy_disk_2009_G1.jpg" width=70% alt="Very old floppy disks for computers">

What can we learn from Software Development

What can we learn from Software Development

Software Development: FEATURES

Software Development: ASSUMPTIONS

Software Development: WORKFLOWS

Your Thesis is Software

This Workshop

Key Learning Points