Your Markdown Thesis - Advantages
- Combine code & text
- Widely used plain-text format
- Output to multiple formats
- Easily tracked with
- Works with many software tools
Your Markdown Thesis - Disadvantages
- Disadvantages
- Can be a pain to edit collaboratively
- “Some” learning curve
Overall Benefits
- Final product is reproducible
- You are awesome
- Can be easily shared, modified & updated
Getting Started
Start a New RMarkdown File
How Do We Write?
![Process of writing papers, bibliography takes the entire life of the paper, writing as well, raw data is used early on, then data cleaning, data analysis and data presentation work.](/ThesisIsCode/images/paperSections.svg)
Main Elements
- Figures (raw, finished); Code; Data (input/output); Save Google Sheet to file.
<img src="../images/RPROJECT_2000dpi.png" width=30% alt="Project setup">
image ref
Main Elements
- YAML header (metadata for the document)
- Markdown formatting
- Fenced code blocks (using backticks)
- Data import
- Analysis
- Conclusions
Main Elements - YAML
- YAML Ain’t Markup Language
- Tells Pandoc how to render the finished file.
title: Some title
author: Simon Goring
YAML - Continues
- Any tags are accepted (
, abstract
, keywords
title: Some title
- Simon Goring
- Socorro Dominguez
abstract: >
I can move stuff to a new line.
YAML - Continues pt 2
- Any tags are accepted (
, abstract
, keywords
title: Some title
- Simon Goring
- Socorro Dominguez
abstract: >
I can move stuff to a new line.
Format specific options for html, pdf, Word, &cetera.
Main Elements - Markdown
- How you actually apply styles/links &cetera
- Good Markdown Resources:
Main Elements - Code Blocks
- This is the R part of RMarkdown. R executes the code and places it inline into the text.
Here is writing
```{r namedCodeBlock}
this <- is(code)
Here is writing that uses `r this` result.
Then knit
the Document
![A zoom of the RStudio page, showing the knit button.](../images/knitbutton.png)
Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('filename.Rmd')"
Or, with bash
(Mac & Linux) you can build on save.
Let’s all Gaze in Wonder
- We can knit to PDF, HTML, DOCX (and other formats)
- Options depend on options in the
header (in part)
- RMarkdown
- Runs each R code block
- Creates a raw Markdown file
- Replaces code with code results (knits)
- Converts file format to desired output with Pandoc
Main Elements - Data Import
- Lets load in our file in
```{r loadData}
table <- read.csv('data/input/GitHubRepos.csv')
The table has `r nrow(rows)`, but there are less READMEs than a dozen eggs.
How Does it Look?
- Are there errors we can fix?
- We need to check our assumptions
- Formalize them with
Using Assertions
Why Use Assertions?
- We want to make sure our text follows from our analysis.
```{r loadData}
table <- read.csv('data/input/GitHubRepos.csv')
The table has `r nrow(rows)`, but there are less READMEs than a dozen eggs.
Writing Assertions
assertthat::assert_that(sum(!$README)) < 12, msg="There are more readme's than a dozen eggs.")
- If the assertion fails then the code doesn’t
and you have an informative error message telling you why.
- You’ve created a thesis chapter.