Meeting Schedule and Links

May 17, 2018

9:00am - Introductions

9:30am - Icebreaker

Using a set of circles for each different data resource, pass yarn back and forth, tag the resources and explain how or why we might want to link the resources.

10:30am - Icebreaker debrief

Discuss some of the issues.

11:00am - Coffee Break

11:30am - User workflow

Talk about how users might interact with the tools, how we can visualize this, how resources can work with the tool.

12:30pm - Lunch

1:30pm - Finding links between data resources

Based on the data resources and connections, identify workflows that help link the resources and provide metadata to describe these links.

3:00pm - Coffee Break

3:30pm - Breakout debrief

Discuss general issues, resources required, issues discovered.

4:30pm - Planning for Tomorrow

Planning the events and work to be accomplished in the next day.

May 18, 2018

8:30am - Debrief, Moving Forward

Kicking off the morning & reviewing the last day.

9:00am - Documenting and Modeling

Breakouts, modeling the use of links and tools. Identifying strengths and weaknesses.

10:30am - Coffee Break

11:00am - Moving forward

How do we take this and move forward in a way that is sustainable?

12:00pm - Lunch